By: Team CoderLifeInsights Since: Mar 2020 Licence: MIT

1. Introduction

[written by Cheng Lit Yaw]

CoderLifeInsights is a CLI (Command Line Interface) driven desktop application that a programmer can use to record his or her social interactions with individual friends, or group of friends.
CoderLifeInsights gives the programmer insights into his or her social life, and provides suggestions to liven up their social life by analysing the social events recorded in CoderLifeInsight through the CLI.

2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer.

  2. Download the latest coderlifeinsights.jar here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your CoderLifeInsights.

  4. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.

  5. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.

  6. Some example commands you can try:

    • list_persons : lists all contacts

    • **add_person n/John Doe p/98765432 e/ a/John street, block 123, #01-01 : adds a contact named John Doe to your Life.

    • **delete_person 2 : deletes the 2rd contact shown in the current list

    • exit : exits the app

  7. Refer to Section 3, “Features” for details of each command.

3. Features

Command Format and Specifications

  • ALL commands are case sensitive.

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters to be supplied by the user e.g. in add n/NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n/John Doe.

  • Items in square brackets are optional e.g n/NAME [t/TAG] can be used as n/John Doe t/friend or as n/John Doe.

  • Items with ​ after them can be used multiple times including zero times e.g. [t/TAG]…​ can be used as   (i.e. 0 times), t/friend, t/friend t/family etc.

  • Parameters can be in any order e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER,p/PHONE_NUMBER n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • PERSON_INDEX refers to the INDEX of a Person in CoderLifeInsights and similarly, GROUP_INDEX refers to the INDEX of a Group.

3.2. Adding a person: add_person

[written by: Ernest Lian Qi Quan]

Adds a person to the CoderLifeInsights
Format: add_person n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS [t/TAG]…​

A person can have any number of tags (including 0)


Example Command Result

Add a person John Doe to CoderLifeInsights

add_person n/John Doe p/98765432 e/ a/John street, block 123, #01-01

John Doe is added to CoderLifeInsights with the input information.

Add a person Betsy Crowe to CoderLifeInsights

add_person n/Betsy Crowe t/friend e/ a/Newgate Prison p/1234567 t/criminal

Betsy Crowe is added to CoderLifeInsights with the input information.

3.3. Listing saved data : list

[written by: Ernest Lian Qi Quan]

Shows a list of recorded information in CoderLifeInsights.

  • LIST_PARAMETER include persons,groups.

  • CoderLifeInsights will display an indexed list of the saved LIST_PARAMATER.


Example Command Result

Show all persons


Returns a list of the saved persons in CoderLifeInsights.

Show all groups


Returns a list of the saved groups in CoderLifeInsights.

3.4. Editing a person : edit

[written by: Ernest Lian Qi Quan]

Edits an existing person in the CoderLifeInsights.
Format: edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAG]…​

  • Edits the person at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed person list. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.

  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.

  • When editing tags, the existing tags of the person will be removed i.e adding of tags is not cumulative.

  • You can remove all the person’s tags by typing t/ without specifying any tags after it.


Example Command Result

Change the phone number and email address of the 1st person

edit 1 p/91234567 e/

Edits the phone number and email address of the 1st person to be 91234567 and respectively.

Change the name of the second person and remove tags

edit 2 n/Betsy Crower t/

Edits the name of the 2nd person to be Betsy Crower and clears all existing tags.

3.5. Adding a Group: add_group

[written by: Raivat Bhupesh Shah]

Creates an empty social group with given name.
Format: add_group n/GROUP_NAME m/MEMBER_IDs …​

A group can have any number of member_ids (including 0)
  • 1 required parameter (group_name)

  • CoderLifeInsights will create a new group and show a uniquely generated Group ID for the same.

  • Member_IDs will be added to the group and displayed if supplied while creating the group.


Example Command Result

Create a group

add_group n/SoC Friends

Creates a group named SoC Friends and assigns a group ID, which is shown to the user.

Create a group and add members into that group

add_group n/RC Friends m/1 m/2 m/3

Creates a group named RC Friends and assigns a group ID and the given memberIDs to the group. Both are displayed to the user after creation.

3.6. Editing a Group: edit_group

[written by: Raivat Bhupesh Shah]

Edit a group with a given group index
Format: edit_group GROUP_INDEX n/GROUP_NAME m/MEMBER_IDs

  • CoderLifeInsights will edit the group with given index to change the name to supplied name and change the list of members to the ones supplied. Either a new name or new member(s) is required to edit the group.


Example Command Result

Change name of 1st group

edit_group 1 n/FOS

Changes the name of the group with index 1 in CoderLifeInsights to FOS from whatever it was before. Name overwritten, memberIDs remain the same as before.

Edit the members in the 1st group

edit_group 1 m/1 m/5

Changes the members of the group with index 1 in CoderLifeInsights to 1 and 2 from whatever it was before. Member list overwritten, Name stays the same.

Change the name and members of the first group

edit_group 1 n/new_name m/1

Changes both the name and members of the group with index 1 in Coder Life Insights. Both values overwritten.

3.7. Adding an Event: add_event

[written by: Ernest Lian Qi Quan]

Adds an event to a person or a group at the specified INDEX.
Format for adding to a person: add_event ACTIVITY_NAME place/PLACE_NAME time/TIME m/INDEX
Format for adding to a group: add_event ACTIVITY_NAME place/PLACE_NAME time/TIME g/INDEX

  • TIME has to be in entered in the format HHMM:
    Input for a time of 1 hour and 5 minutes would be: time/105
    Input for a time of 9 minutes would be: time/09

  • MM entered has to be between 00 and 60 (01 to 59).

  • The INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed person list. The INDEX must be a positive integer.

  • CoderLifeInsights uses 1-indexing.

CoderLifeInsights will store the input ACTIVITY and PLACE in the Json file so that all events added are kept even through termination of CoderLifeInsights. The input TIME will be added to the respective persons or events and the cumulative time spent with a person or a group is recorded and displayed. This cumulative TIME is also stored to the Json file. Insights and suggestions will be generated from the saved PLACES, ACTIVITIES and TIME


Example Command Result

Adding an event with a person from the fully listed persons list


add_event Date Night place/MBS time/300 m/2

Creates an Event Date Night at MBS with a time spent of 3 hours and adds it to the second person in CoderLifeInsights.

Adding an event with a group from the fully listed groups list


add_event Dancing lessons place/Changi Country Club time/130 g/1

Creates an Event Dancing lessons at Changi Country Club with a time spent of 1 hour and 30 minutes and adds it to the first group in CoderLifeInsights.

Adding an event to a person after using the find function

find Betsy

add_event Date Night place/MBS time/300 m/1

Creates an Event Date Night at MBS with a time spent of 3 hours and adds it to the first result returned by the find Betsy command in CoderLifeInsights.

3.8. Suggestions: suggest

[written by: Cheng Lit Yaw]

Suggests a person to hang out with, a place to go or an activity to do.

  • Suggestion parameters include person, activity or place

  • CoderLifeInsights will suggest:

    • A person to hangout with.

      • Suggestion is based on time spent with a person.

      • CoderLifeInsights will return a person which the user has spent the least time with.

      • If there are multiple people with the same amount of time spent, CoderLifeInsights will return a person based on reverse-lexicographical order of the people with the least amount of time spent.

    • A place to go to.

      • Suggestion is based on frequency of place visited from events added.

      • CoderLifeInsights will return the events that happened at the suggested place which the user has visited the least in terms of frequency.

      • If there are multiple places with the same frequency, CoderLifeInsights will return a random selection among the places with the same frequency.

    • An activity to do.

      • Suggestion is based on frequency of activity done from events added.

      • CoderLifeInsights will return the events that happened with the suggested activity which the user has done the least in terms of frequency.

      • If there are multiple activities with the same frequency, CoderLifeInsights will return a random selection among the activities with the same frequency.


Example Command Result

Look for a person to do something with.

suggest person

Returns a person to hangout with.

Look for a place to do something at.

suggest place

Returns events based on suggested place to go to.

Look for an activity to do.

suggest activity

Returns events based on suggested activity to do.

3.9. Insights: view

[written by: Ernest Lian Qi Quan and Mah Cai Jun, Terence]

Displays various insights about the person’s, groups and events stored in Coder Life Insights. (You might need to enlarge the application window for the best view.)

This feature encompasses a range of functions which share the following format: view INSIGHT_PARAMETER [m/PERSON_INDEX] [g/GROUP_INDEX] Note that the application will only accept EITHER a person index OR a group index, never both. Also, whether an index is required or possibly not allowed depends on the insight parameter.

  • The available insight parameters are: places, activities, recent, all, and time.

    • Places (must enter an index)

      • This function lists all the places that the user has visited with the target person or target group, and their frequencies, in descending order of frequency.

Figure 1. View Places example
  • Activities (must enter an index)

    • This function lists all the activities that the user has done with the target person or target group, and their frequencies, in descending order of frequency.

Figure 2. View Activities example
  • Recent (can have an index or no index)

    • If an index is entered, this function lists the user’s last 5 events with the target person or target group, in reverse chronological order.

    • If no index is entered, this function lists the user’s last 5 events overall, in reverse chronological order.

    • The event display features each event’s place, activity, duration, and serial number.

Figure 3. View Recent example
  • 'All' (cannot have an index)

    • This function lists all events that the user has added, in chronological order.

    • The event display features each event’s place, activity, duration, and serial number.

Figure 4. View All example
  • Time (cannot have an index)

    • This function compares the user’s total time spent with individuals against his/her total time spent with groups, in the form of a pie chart.

Figure 5. View Time example

Take note that Places and Activities are case-sensitive: * Swimming Pool and swimming pool are considered different places * SWIMMING and swimming are considered different activities

The examples below provide an exhaustive list of permissible command formats:

Command Result

view places m/1

View places visited with person 1 from the active person list.

view places g/1

View places visited with group 1 from the active group list.

view activities m/1

View activities done with person 1 from the active person list.

view activities g/1

View activities done with group 1 from the active group list.

view recent

View the last 5 events overall.

view recent m/1

View the last 5 events with person 1 from the active person list.

view recent g/1

View the last 5 events with group 1 from the active group list.

view all

View all events the user has added to Coder Life Insights.

view time

View a pie chart displaying the proportion of individual time vs group time spent.

3.10. Locating persons by name: find

[written by: Ernest Lian Qi Quan]

Finds persons whose names contain any of the given keywords.

  • The search is case insensitive. e.g hans will match Hans

  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans

  • Only the name is searched.

  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Han will not match Hans

  • Persons matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber, Bo Yang


Example Command Result

Find all persons whose name contains John

find John

Returns john and John Doe

Find all persons whose name contains 'Betsy', 'Tim' or 'John'

find Betsy Tim John

Returns all persons having names Betsy, Tim, or John

3.11. Import Life CSV: import

[written by: Cheng Lit Yaw]

Imports your existing Life CSV into the application

  • Imports your existing Life contacts into the application.

  • An existing CSV file exported from CoderLifeInsights must exist before import.

  • LIFE_FILE_PATH, GROUP_FILE_PATH and EVENT_FILE_PATH must match your existing file path.

  • ALL three parameters must be specified for successful import.


Example Command Result

Import Life from file "life.csv", group data from "groups.csv" and event data from "events.csv"

import l/life.csv

Imports your Life from life.csv , group data from groups.csv and event data from events.csv

Import Life from file "life.csv", "groups.csv" and "events.csv" at specific file path

import l/C:\Users\User\Documents\life.csv

Imports your Life from C:\Users\Harry\Desktop\Documents\life.csv
, your Group from C:\Users\User\Documents\groups.csv
and your Events from C:\Users\User\Documents\events.csv.

Import Life from file "life.csv", "groups.csv" and "events.csv" at specific file path

import l/./Desktop/life.csv

Imports your Life from ./Desktop/life.csv
, your Group from ./Desktop/groups.csv
and your Events from ./Desktop/events.csv.

3.11.1. Retrieving File Path

For Windows:

  • Navigate to the file where you saved CoderLifeInsights data files.

  • Click on the address bar of File Explorer window.

  • Refer to the diagram below for reference.

Figure 6. File path finding in Windows

For Mac: * Navigate to the file where you saved CoderLifeInsights data files. * Right-click on the CSV File and select Get info. * Refer to the diagram below for reference.

Figure 7. File path finding in MacOS

3.11.2. CSV File Constraints

For Life.csv:

Before using the import command with Life.csv, please ensure the following headers are present.

  • name

  • phone

  • email

  • address

  • tagged

  • time

  • places

  • activities

Refer to image below for reference:

Figure 8. Example Life.csv format

Tags, Places and Activities should be separated by a semi-colon.


  • friends;school-mate

  • Orchard;NUS

  • Gym;Rock-Climbing

For Groups.csv:

Before using the import command with Groups.csv, please ensure the following headers are present.

  • name

  • groupId

  • timeSpent

  • memberIDs

  • eventIDs

  • places

  • activities

Figure 9. Example Groups.csv format

memberIDs, eventIDs should be separated by a semi-colon.


  • 1;2;3

  • 5;6

For Events.csv:

Before using the import command with Events.csv, please ensure the following headers are present.

  • eventId

  • activity

  • place

  • withPerson

  • withGroup

  • time

Figure 10. Example Events.csv format

3.12. Export Life CSV: export

[written by: Cheng Lit Yaw]

Exports your existing Life into a CSV file.

  • Exports your existing Life contacts, group data and event data into 3 CSV files respectively.

  • Specify the file name you want to export for life, group and event data.

  • ALL three parameters must be specified for successful export.


  • On the very first run of CoderLifeInsights, this command is invalid as there is no saved data and CoderLifeInsights is using a sample data file to display sample contacts. Please proceed to add events, groups or persons before trying to export the information to the respective CSV files.


Example Command Result

Export current life, group and event data

export l/life.csv g/groups.csv e/events.csv

Exports your Life to life.csv
Exports your group data to groups.csv
Exports your event data to events.csv

3.13. Deleting a Person or a Group : delete

[written by: Raivat Bhupesh Shah]

Deletes an entity, such as a Person or Group from the CoderLifeInsights
Format: delete_person PERSON_INDEX (for person)
delete_group GROUP_INDEX (for group)

  • Deletes the person at the specified INDEX. The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed person list. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​ Remarks: CoderLifeInsights uses 1-indexing.


Example Command Result

Delete the 2nd person in the fully listed persons list

delete_person 2

Deletes the 2nd person in CoderLifeInsights.

Delete the 2nd group in the fully listed groups list

delete_group 2

Deletes the 2nd group in CoderLifeInsights.

Find a person and delete the person from the list returned

find Betsy
delete_person 1

Deletes the 1st person in the results of the find command.

3.14. Clearing all entries : clear

Clears all entries from the CoderLifeInsights.
Format: clear

3.15. Exiting the program : exit

Exits the program.
Format: exit

3.16. Saving the data

CoderLifeInsights data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data.
There is no need to save manually.

3.17. Getting a random person: random [coming in v2.0]

[written by: Ernest Lian Qi Quan]

Finds a random person from contacts saved in CoderLifeInsights.
Format: random

  • No additional parameters required.

  • CoderLifeInsights will return the name of a random contact that is saved in CoderLifeInsights.

  • Selection of contact is completely random with no parameters used for selection.


  • random
    Returns the name of a random person saved in CoderLifeInsights.

3.18. Deleting an event: delete_event [coming in v2.0]

[written by: Ernest Lian Qi Quan]

Deletes an event from a person or group saved in CoderLifeInsights.
Format: delete_event EVENTID m/INDEX or delete_event EVENTID g/INDEX

3.19. Editing an event: edit_event [coming in v2.0]

[written by: Ernest Lian Qi Quan]

Edit the information of an event with a person or group saved in CoderLifeInsights.
Format: edit_event EVENTID m/INDEX [activity/ACTIVITY] [place/PLACE] [time/TIME] or edit_event EVENTID g/INDEX [activity/ACTIVITY] [place/PLACE] [time/TIME]
Edits the event’s respective details to the one specified in the command.

3.20. Toggle command shortcuts : toggle shortcuts [coming in v2.0]

[written by: Cheng Lit Yaw]

Enable toggle command shortcuts to have commands shortened. Instead of add_group, ag would suffice when adding groups to CoderLifeInsights

Format toggle shortcuts

3.21. Find group command : find_group [coming in v2.0]

[written by: Raivat Bhupesh Shah]

Enable searching for groups with specified keyword. The feature would match the given keyword with group indexes and then update This feature will be useful when there are at least a certain number of groups.
Format: find_group keyword.

4. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another Computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous CoderLifeInsights folder.

5. Command Summary

[written by: Cheng Lit Yaw]

Feature Usage Example

Add Person

add_person n/NAME p/PHONE_NUMBER e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS [t/TAG]…​

add_person n/John Doe p/98765432 e/ a/John street, block 123, #01-01



list_persons, list_groups


edit INDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [t/TAG]…​

edit 1 p/91234567 e/

Add Group


add_group n/SoC Friends

add_group n/RC Friends m/1 m/2 m/3

Edit Group


edit_group 1 n/FOS

edit_group 1 m/1 m/5

edit_group 1 n/new_name m/1

Add Event





add_event Date Night place/MBS time/300 m/2



add_event Dancing lessons place/Changi Country Club time/130 g/1



suggest person

suggest place

suggest activity



view places m/1

view activity g/1

view time

view recent

view all



find John



import l/life.csv g/groups.csv e/events.csv



export l/life.csv g/groups.csv e/events.csv


delete_person PERSON_INDEX


delete_group GROUP_INDEX


delete_person 2



delete_group 2



